One page design for a New Age company’s products promotion.
December 2021
Responsive Web Design
UX | UI design
Web Design
What is Noni?Noni is a fruit which good for health and use like a health supplement and the customer has a lot of drinks and other products with this fruit and company promote them. The main goal was to give to user instructions and show them upcoming giveaways and events, steps how to join it and also was important to highlight speakers.
StyleThe goal also was to give a “beachy” vibe and examples how it must look also was provided by customer.
DeadlineThis project was special in deadlines of its implementation. To say more precisely, we have time none:) The project was supposed to be ready for transfer to development in 48 hours. This could not happen without close and fast communication with the customer. All necessary requirements, recommendations, and content were provided.And we did it.